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September 2020

Click the below to download the board minutes.

Estates at Eagle Creek Property Owners’ Association

Board Meeting

September 14, 2020

Meeting called to order at 5:37p.m. Quorum established

231 S. Palo Alto Dr., Floresville, Texas 78114

Board members present: Art Morgan, 1st Vice President; Charlie Johns, 2nd Vice President; Karen Turner,

Treasurer; Theresa Morehous, Secretary.

Secretary’s report: Minutes were read from August 3, 2020. Motion was made to accept as read by

Karen Turner and seconded by Charlie Johns. Motion passed 4-0

Treasurer’s report:

Beginning balance: $55,880.71 (8/3/20) ending balance all accounts: $57,548.47

Checking account- debits $450.37; deposits $2,157.87; ending balance $18,799.84

Savings account- $2,529.76 Edward Jones $36,218.87

Motion to accept report by Theresa Morehous and seconded by Charlie Johns. Motion passed. 4-0


One request for a fence on Chaparral

Welcoming Committee:

1. Yard of the Month- Salinas 131 Scenic Oak

2. 4 Welcomes delivered, 2 pending (only contractors on property)


107 Chaparral-brush and dirt still on bridle trail from owners clearing property. ODV- June 2020.-


One outstanding account still pending, Philip will discuss with attorney.

Transfer of savings to Edward Jones pending.

New Business:

Karen discussed getting right of way on some properties on S. Palo Alto and Encino for horse riders. She

will research further into this idea and what is involved and will present at next meeting.

Art discussed getting some street name signs replaced to bigger more legible signs. He will find out

which county office to contact to get this completed.

Next meeting will be October 19th at 5:30 Theresa’s house

Karen made a motion to adjourn meeting 6:32 p.m. Charlie seconded. Motion passed

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