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September 10, 2018

Click the below to download the board minutes.

Meeting called to order at 6:00 p.m. Quorum established

231 S. Palo Alto Dr., Floresville, Texas 78114

Board members present: Philip Vipond, President; Charlie Johns, 2nd Vice President; Karen Turner, Treasurer; Theresa Morehous, Secretary.

Secretary’s report:

Minutes were read from July 15, 2018. Motion was made to accept as read by Philip Vipond and seconded by Karen Turner. Motion passed.

Treasurer’s report:

Checking account- expenses $895.20; deposits $0; ending balance August 16, 2018 $24,832.43 savings account- as of August 31, 2018 $12,527.96.
Motion made to accept report by Philip Vipond and seconded by Charlie Johns. Motion passed.
5 lots unpaid dues. These owners will be contacted.


Website-Theresa will have website recreated and then we will maintain.
Bank Account- Karen and Philip will meet and transfer funds from Wells Fargo to Edward Jones. Law Suit-POA is not liable; we were named in suite because we have a lien on the property.


Sky Hawk having a problem with loose dogs.
Oak Hollow- property by the bridle path now has an RV with someone living in it. Philip & Charlie will meet with owner.
Rig on 775- still in violation; will send violation letter with fines.
Palo Alto property on Cul-de-sac “shack”- kids are building it.
Montesito property with RV resolved.

New Business:

Getting calls about sex offenders in the neighborhood. The POA does not have anything to do with this concern. Property owners will have to research this on their own.
Liens will be placed on properties that are past due with maintenance fee.
Philip will get an application for new board members.

Next meeting will be Oct 15 at 6:00 at Theresa’s house

Theresa made a motion to adjourn meeting 7:15 p.m. Philip seconded. Motion passed

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