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October 22, 2018

Click the below to download the board minutes.

Meeting called to order at 6:07 p.m.  Quorum established
231 S. Palo Alto Dr., Floresville, Texas 78114

Board members present: Philip Vipond, President; Charlie Johns, 2nd Vice President; Karen Turner, Treasurer; Theresa Morehous, Secretary. 

Secretary’s report:    
Minutes were read from September 10, 2018.  Motion was made to accept as read by Karen Turner and seconded by Charlie Johns.  Motion passed.

Treasurer’s report:
Checking account- beginning balance $24,832.43; deposits $1047.92, debits $3,360.50, ending balance 10/22/18 $22,519.85
Savings account- as of September 30, 2018, $12,528.27. 
Motion made to accept report by Theresa Morehous and seconded by Philip Vipond.  Motion passed.

Property owners are starting to pay 2019 dues.

Website-proofed preliminary site, made a list of changes.
Bank Account- Karen and Philip will meet and transfer funds from Wells Fargo to Edward Jones and also change the statement dates.
Law Suit-POA was served again. Philip talked to lawyer. The suite is trying to force a foreclosure on 1 acre instead of the total lot size of 5 acres, they cannot be separated.
Rig on 775- still in violation; Theresa made a motion for a board member to go to an attorney to have a proper violation letter composed.  Karen Turner seconded, 4-0 motion passed.
Liens will be placed on properties that are past due with maintenance fee, an attorney will be contacted.

Sky Hawk has 4 wheelers running up and the street as well as doing jumps.  Informed property owner to make a report with police and give a copy to ACC.  At that time the ACC can address the problem.

Oak Hollow- property by the bridle path RV is no longer there.  Philip & Charlie will meet with owner about bridle path property lines-pending action.
Encino Dr. has a house that needs much maintenance-rotted boards, trash.  A lot of traffic and activity has been reported at all hours.  A violation letter will be sent to owner


Next meeting will be Nov 19th at 6:00 at Theresa’s house.

Theresa made a motion to adjourn meeting 7:00 p.m. Philip seconded. Motion passed

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