November 19, 2018
Click the below to download the board minutes.
Meeting called to order at 6:10 p.m. Quorum established
231 S. Palo Alto Dr., Floresville, Texas 78114
Board members present: Philip Vipond, President; Charlie Johns, 2nd Vice President; Karen Turner, Treasurer; Theresa Morehous, Secretary.
Secretary’s report:
Minutes were read from October 22, 2018. Motion was made to accept as read by Philip Vipond and seconded by Charlie Johns. Motion passed.
Treasurer’s report:
Checking account- beginning balance $22,519.85; deposits $20,728.68, debits $3,582.87, ending balance 10/22/18 $39,665.66
Savings account- as of November 16, 2018, $2,528.59
Money was transferred from the savings account and CD’S to checking in order to transfer to new account at Edward Jones.
Motion made to accept report by Philip Vipond and seconded by Charlie Johns. Motion passed.
Website-up and running!
Bank Account- transfer funds from savings and CD’s to checking. Appointment set at Edward Jones this week.
Rig on 775- has been parking within their own property.
Sky Hawk 4 wheeler problem has been resolved.
Liens will be placed on properties that are past due with maintenance fee, an attorney will be contacted.
Oak Hollow- property by the bridle path ACC will meet with owner about property lines-pending action.
Encino Dr property has been making improvements.
Attorney meeting for violation letter and liens is pending.
Chaparral has several roaming, unmanaged dogs that are endangering other animals in the area. A violation letter will be sent.
New Business:
A winter newsletter needs to be written and ready by mid-December. Sign about dues will be placed by entrances the first part of December.
Next meeting will be Dec 17th at 6:00 at Theresa’s house
Theresa made a motion to adjourn meeting 7:00 p.m. Philip seconded. Motion passed