May 2022
Click the below to download the board minutes.
The Estates at Eagle Creek Property Owners' Association Board Meeting
May 26, 2022
127 Scenic Oak Dr.
Meeting called to order at 6:04 pm. Quorum established.
Board Members present: Philip Vipond, President; Jim Mylius, Treasurer; Theresa Morehous, Sec.; Art Morgan, 1st V.P.; Nancy Wall, 2nd V.P.; Charlie Johns, ACC chair
Jim Mylius made a motion to vote in Nancy Wall as a board member, 2nd by Theresa Morehous. Motion passed 4-0.
Nancy will fill the 2nd V. P. position on the board of directors.
Secretary's Report: The minutes from April 28, 2022 presented to the board members. Jim Mylius made a motion that the minutes be accepted as presented, Nancy Wall 2nd. Motion passed 5 -0.
Treasurer's Report: Month to date-as of April 30, 2022 Deposits: $1,238.23 Debits: $1,442.68
Checking balance: $20,006.02 Edward Jones :( 4/30/22) $38,190.16
Total Balance: $58,190.18
Legal expenses breakdown according to case year to date:
Wright-$2,841.00 Fricks-$350.00 I. Rodriguez-$350.00 Matay-$745.50
Motion made to accept by Theresa Morehous, seconded by Nancy Wall. Motion passed 5-0
All accounts are paid in full except 2 properties in foreclosure.
A.C.C. Report: 127 Scenic Oak request for shed
Welcoming Committee: June Yard of the month is Bill Wahl on Montesito. Jim will send new residence information to the Charlie, ACC chair, and he will forward to Will.
Old Business:
• 214 Palo Verde, (DOV 3-11-2020) Fine of $1,500 has been paid and has a $0 balance. Owner will have a deadline of June 30th to remove structure. Philip will email owner on May 27, 2022.
• Attorney had sent notice of foreclosure has been sent to 2 owners with delinquent back maintenance, admin fees, and attorney fees for two homeowners. 118 Oak Hollow and 105 Scenic Oak. No response from owners. Philip had been trying to get into contact with owners to try and prevent foreclosure.
• 126 Encino, (DOV 2/21), Property has been gutted to studs on the inside and exterior has wrap on it. Rock has been delivered. Owner informed Philip he would have it complete in 2 months and plans on moving into property.
• 18 wheeler at 11030 FM 775, a certified and regular mail invoice was mailed on April 29, 2022 for fine. Payment due May 29th. If not received another invoice will be mailed the next day imposing interest and stating that a lien will be filed by June 15th. This property also appears to have people live in a small structure that is not incompliance with the CCR’s.
• 118 Chaparral with pot belly pig and 2 large dogs chasing walkers and bikers. Certified letter was not picked up and another notice was mailed regular mail. No response to either. Owner will have an invoice mailed with $100 fine/month until the pig is removed.
• Annual yard sale seemed to be successful.
New Business:
Website maintenance- agreed to $150/5hours.
Theresa made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:50pm., Jim seconded. Motion passed 5-0
Next meeting June 23rd at 6:00