June 2022
Click the below to download the board minutes.
The Estates at Eagle Creek Property Owners' Association Board Meeting
June 23, 2022
127 Scenic Oak Dr.
Meeting called to order at 5:59pm. Quorum established.
Board Members present: Philip Vipond, President; Jim Mylius, Treasurer; Theresa Morehous, Sec.
Absent: Art Morgan, 1st V.P.; Nancy Wall, 2nd V.P.
Non board member present: Charlie Johns, ACC Chair.
Secretary's Report: The minutes from May 26, 2022 presented to the board members. Philip Vipond made a motion that the minutes be accepted as presented, Jim Mylius 2nd. Motion passed 3 -0.
Recently we had a property owner requesting privacy of their interaction with the board concerning the expenses of the legal fees being included in the minutes. We removed the April minutes from the website until consulting with the association’s attorney. After consulting the association’s attorney, we are not in any violation of the Texas Open Act and the minutes will be put back on the website as is.
Properties owners have a right to know how their money is being used.
Treasurer's Report: Month to date-as of May 31, 2022
Deposits: $1839.77 Debits: $483.87
Checking balance: $21,361.92 Edward Jones :( 3/25/22) $38,184.16 Total Balance: $59,546.08
Motion made to accept by Theresa Morehous, seconded by Philip Vipond. Motion passed 3-0
A.C.C. Report: 114 Palo Verde- reports of chickens and rooster. A violation warning will be given, with 30 days to remove chickens and rooster. If not completed will be fined $100. Currently the committee is putting together guidelines for a petition to allow chickens.
Welcoming Committee: Committee member Will Matay resigned. The position will not be filled. It brings the committee back into compliance with 3 members only. Currently committee is working on updating the new residence packet.
Old Business:
• 214 Palo Verde, (DOV 3-11-2020) Nothing seems to be done. Deadline of June 30th approaching. Charlie will go look at the property and if nothing completed another fine will be given.
• 118 Oak Hollow and 105 Scenic Oak –Philip will check the status of foreclosure with attorney and see if he is contacting mortgage company first before foreclosure.
• 126 Encino, (DOV 2/21), not much been done at property. Looks like some stucco has been completed. Owner is to move into property in July.
• 18 wheeler at 11030 FM 775, board received a letter from owner’s attorney requesting detail of violations. Information will be given to the association’s attorney to reply.
• 118 Chaparral with pot belly pig and 2 large dogs chasing walkers and bikers. Invoice with a $100 fine will be mailed to the owner.
New Business: Discussion of some properties that have been separated within their own property. Property cannot be sold as such. Philip will look at by laws where this is stated.
Theresa made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:50pm., Jim seconded. Motion passed 3-0.
Next meeting July 28th at 6:00