June 2021
Click the below to download the board minutes.
The Estates at Eagle Creek Property Owners’ Association Board Meeting
June 28, 2021
231 S Palo Alto Dr.
Meeting called to order at 6:03 p.m. Quorum established.
Board member present: Philip Vipond, president; Art Morgan, 1st vice-president; Charlie Johns, 2nd vice-president; Karen Turner, treasurer; Theresa Morehous, secretary; Rebecca Hopp, Welcoming committee chair; Stacy Collins, property owner.
Absent Will Matay, board member.
Secretary’s report- Minutes read from May 24, 2021. Art Morgan made a motion to accept as read, Karen Turner seconded. Motion passed 5-0
Treasurer’s Report: Beginning balance $59,013.63 Deposits: $542.78 Debits: $817.73
Checking balance: $19,740.04 Edward Jones: $38,998.07 Ending balance: $58,738.11
Motion made to accept as reported by Art Morgan, seconded by Charlie Johns. Motion passed 5-0
A.C.C.’s report: request for barn on S Palo Alto. Charlie will measure, appears to be close to the easement.
Welcoming Committee report: June Yard of the Month is 119 Encino and July Yard of the Month is 239 S Palo Alto Dr
Old Business:
218 Palo Verde, owner has stopped removing structure on easement. (ODV 3-11-2020) Philip contacted owner by e-mail and left messages on phone and has not received any reply. No progress has been made in the removal of this structure. This will be turned over to the attorney on July 1st and will impose a $1,500 fine plus legal fees for not removing structure in the original time allotted as voted on at the May board meeting.
The road repairs on Scenic Oak and Palo Verde are completed.
No cut through on S Palo Alto for the bridle trail.
Delinquent accounts: 2 outstanding, Philip has talked with Terry Busch and he will get back with Philip. Philip needs to talk to attorney about Bazan account.
126 Encino drive: (ODV 2/21 annual meeting) Squatters are still present. It appears that the property is being taken apart. Property owner, Fricks, was sent a letter by the attorney dated June 7th. Owner has until July 7th to make contact with the board. If no contact by that time, it will be referred back to the attorney.
Philips meeting with Aqua Texas was nonproductive at this time. Aqua Texas is checking with their legal dept. to see if they can release customer’s emails that the proposed committee will need.
New business:
Request from a property owner about 145 Chaparral Dr. “Please provide me with any and all documents pertaining to the approval of the structure located at 145 Chaparral Dr. Please include drawings, if any, as well as written, typed, and electronic media related to this approval. If there is a fee to receive, let me know. I am officially letting the board of directors know that the county tax appraisal office has listed this structure as a tri-plex and as B1 (business). Furthermore as noted in the description of the property, the mailing addresses are listed as Units 1, 2, 3. I am protesting the ARB approval of the structure being built.” Philip explained the process of submitting improvements to the ACC since we had a property owner present at the meeting. Discussed the 3 units; parents-adult child- in-laws. It asked how the 3 units were allowed. Philip explained that it was one family was under one roof. She questioned possible problems that could arise in the future with this property and what is allowed. It was explained that each request is considered individually.
Philip will send requested information to the requesting homeowner.
Large garage on Chaparral also questioned about running a business. Homeowner will contact Charlie when she sees all the activity at this property.
Loose dogs at 114 Scenic Oak. Charlie visited the home but unable to talk with property owner.
Art Morgan made a motion to adjourn 6:55 p.m. and Charlie Johns seconded. Motion passed 5-0
Next meeting: July 26th at 6 p.m.