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June 10, 2019

Click the below to download the board minutes.

Meeting called to order at 6:25 p.m.  Quorum established

231 S. Palo Alto Dr., Floresville, Texas 78114

Board members present: Philip Vipond, President; Charlie Johns, 2nd Vice President; Karen Turner, Treasurer; Theresa Morehous, Secretary; Brian Morehous, property owner

Secretary’s report:    
Minutes were read from April 22, 2019 board meeting.  Motion was made to accept as read by Charlie Johns and seconded by Karen Turner.  Motion passed. 4-0

Treasurer’s report:
Beginning balance 4/22/19: $51,152.31; deposits $324.00, debits $899.87
Checking balance: $12,972.51; Savings balance $2,529.03
Edward Jones: $35,075.02
Report balance: $50,576.56 as of 6/10/19.
Motion made to accept report by Theresa Morehous and seconded by Philip Vipond.  Motion passed 4-0
Roaming dogs on lot 39, XXX Chaparral-fine was issued of $100.00/dog, totaling $300.  Resident has not paid fine or their maintenance fees for this year.  Property owner will have a letter sent to include the ACC violation, past dues and fee and legal fees for placing a lien on the property.  Philip will construct a letter for this. 

Charlie talked to owner of the property on Scenic Oak with incomplete exterior shed (exceeds allowed time frame). Owner has not completed the exterior of shed as promised. Owner stated to Charlie he would do it when he was ready.  Board will proceed with a violation letter giving him 30 days to correct violation.

We have 12 past due maintenance fees.  Certified letters were sent out on June 5th.  Any unpaid late fees and fines not paid in the 30 days will have a letter sent stating a lien will be placed on property.  

Junk cars on Lot #58- XXX S Palo Alto Dr. and 2 junk vehicles on lot #237 - XXX Chaparral.  Violation letter s will be sent.

New Business:
One property has sold this last month and two pending sales.

Next meeting will be July 15th at 6:15 p.m.

Karen made a motion to adjourn meeting at 7:08 p.m.  Theresa seconded. Motion passed

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