July 2022
Click the below to download the board minutes.
The Estates at Eagle Creek Property Owners' Association Board Meeting
July28, 2022
127 Scenic Oak Dr.
Meeting called to order at 6:05pm. Quorum established.
Board Members present: Philip Vipond, President; Art Morgan, 1st V.P.; Nancy Wall, 2nd V.P. Jim Mylius, Treasurer; Theresa Morehous, Sec.
Non board member present: Charlie Johns, ACC Chair.
Secretary's Report: The minutes from June 23, 2022 presented to the board members. Philip Vipond made a motion that the minutes be accepted as presented, Jim Mylius 2nd. Motion passed 4 -0.
Treasurer's Report:
Month to date-as of June 30, 2022
Deposits: $144.00 Debits: $1,084.98
Checking balance: $20,420.94 Edward Jones :( 6/24/2022) $37,996.81 Total Balance: $58,417.75
Motion made to accept by Nancy Wall, seconded by Art Morgan. Motion passed 5-0 (Art Morgan arrived 6:15pm).
A.C.C. Report:
New property violation discussed
Welcoming Committee: NTR.
Old Business:
• 214 Palo Verde, (DOV 3-11-2020) Jim Mylius made a motion of fining the owner $1,500 per month until the structure is removed, Nancy Wall seconded. Motion passed 5-0. Philip will contact owner informing of the motion the board voted on.
• Owner of 118 Oak Hollow offered to pay $500 for his past dues and fines. Jim moved to make a motion to refuse to accept the $500 offered, Theresa 2nd. Motion passed 3-2.
• Other properties with current violations discussed.
Next meeting is Sept 1, at 6:00pm
Art made a motion to adjourn meeting at 7:39pm and Jim 2nd. Motion passed 5-0