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February 2022

Click the below to download the board minutes.

The Estates at Eagle Creek Property Owners' Association Board Meeting

February 24, 2022 127 

Scenic Oak Dr. 

Meeting called to order at 6:06pm. Quorum established. 

Board Members present: Philip Vipond, President; Charlie Johns, 2nd Vice President; Jim Mylius,  Treasurer; Art Morgan, 1st VP; Theresa Morehous, Sec. 

Secretary's Report: The minutes from Jan 20th, 2022 presented to the board members. Art Morgan  made a motion that the minutes be accept as presented, Charlie Johns 2nd. Motion passed 5-0.  

Minutes from the Annual General Minutes from February 12th, 2022 presented to the board members.  Art Morgan made a motion to accept as presented, Charlie Johns 2nd the motion. Motion passed 5-0 

Treasurer's Report: Deposits: $4,521.07 Debits: $802.52 Checking balance: $21,734.12 Edward Jones: $39,010.45 (+.40) Report balance: $60,744.57 Motion made to accept by Art Morgan, seconded by Charlie Johns. Motion passed 5-0


A.C.C. Report- Home on Scenic Oak had one of their dogs killed, they roam the neighborhood. Owner  request to build a fence to keep dogs in her yard. 

Another home on Scenic Oak is requesting to build a  mother-in-law house on property. Not approved yet, home needs to be stick built not pre-fab


Old Business: 

• 214 Palo Verde, previously stated as 218 Palo Verde, (DOV 3-11-2020) Attorney sent a letter and  imposed a fine of $1,500. Owner mailed $200 to ECCPOA, owes $64.51 towards dues as well. Philip will  contact owner. 

• Delinquent back maintenance, admin fees, and attorney fees for two homeowners. 118 Oak  Hollow and 105 Scenic Oak. Philip will write statement about why the EECPOA is seeking foreclosure to  be added to the declaration of disclosure on the two properties.  

• 126 Encino, (DOV 2/21), $500 fine and maintenance due were paid in December. No contact  with owner or contractor. Philip will contact the county Building and Safety Office about inspecting the  home to be possible condemned. • 145 Chaparral. Attorney sent another letter to Ms. Wright attorney. Ms. Wright needs to contact  her attorney regarding information concerning her legal actions she has taken about this property.  • 18 wheeler at 11030 FM 775, owner in violation of CCR’s Art III, sec 3.06, with 3 violations and  also creating noise after 10pm with honking horn and rig running. Charlie Johns made a motion to fine  owner $500 to remove the rigs and cease and desist the trucking operation business at this residence.  Jim seconded. Motion passed 5-0.

• 118 Chaparral with pot belly pig and 2 large dogs chasing walkers and bikers. We do not have a  current phone number or email. Philip will go to the home and talk to owner.


New Business: 

Jim Mylius will take the position of treasurer on the board and will be added to the Wells Fargo  account. 

Jim made a motion to remove past board member, Ashley Chohlis, from the account, Philip  seconded. Motion passed 5-0. Philip made a motion to donate $100 to Wilson County Emerg Dist. #2 for the use of their  building for our annual general meeting. Jim seconded the motion. Motion passed 5-0.  

Lights for the mailboxes on Chaparral and S Palo Alto are still being looked into. Charlie will  research options and get back with the board. 

The ACC Committee consist of Charlie Johns, chair; Josie Dollarhide, Karen Turner, and Will Matay.  

EECPOA By-laws, Art V, 5.2 states: “There shall be three members on the Architectural Control Committee that are elected by the  membership for a term of two years. The terms shall be staggered so that all three positions will not  become vacant in the same year to allow for continuity on the board.”

In order to comply with the EECPOA By-laws, at the next AGM, 2/2023. the four current individuals, and  any others that may wish to run, will be voted on, and the top 3 will be the committee. Of these three,  the top 2 will complete the 2 yr. term and the 3rd one being a 1 yr. term, to comply with the staggered  term as stated.  

Art made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:31pm., Charlie seconded.

Motion passed 5-0 Next meeting March 31st2022

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