December 2022
Click the below to download the board minutes.
The Estates at Eagle Creek Property Owners' Association Board Meeting
December 8, 2022
127 Scenic Oak Dr.
Meeting called to order at 6:02pm. Quorum established.
Board Members present: Philip Vipond, President; Art Morgan, 1st V.P.; Jim Mylius, Treasurer; Theresa Morehous, Sec.; Nancy Wall, 2nd V.P.
Non-board members present: Charlie Johns, ACC Chair; Shawn Wall, property owner.
Nancy Wall submitted her resignation as 2nd V.P. Jim Mylius proposed to accept Nancy Wall’s resignation and to elect Shawn Wall to fill the vacancy on the board of directors. Philip seconded, motion passed 4-0.
Secretary's Report: The minutes from Nov 10, 2022 presented to the board members. Jim Mylius made a motion that the minutes be accepted as presented, Art Morgan 2nd. Motion passed 5 -0.
Treasurer's Report:
Nov 30, 2022-
Deposits: $144.00 Debits: $331.24
Checking balance: $10,069.53 Edward Jones :( 11/30/2022) $37,884.72 Total Balance: $47,954.25
Motion made to accept by Theresa Morehous, seconded by Art Morgan. Motion passed 5-0
ACC Report: One request for a swimming pool on Scenic Oak. A committee member was removed due to current events. Nancy Wall volunteered to fill that vacancy.
Old Business:
Statements of past due maintenance dues will be mailed or e-mailed to property owners.
126 Encino Dr. – tabled till next month.
114 Palo Verde (DOV6/22) reports of chickens and rooster. Not a 4-H project as mentioned previously. ACC plan a visit in the next few weeks.
New Business:
Philip will discuss the legalities of reoccurring e-mails from the same property owner with attorney.
AGM will be Saturday, Feb 4th at 10:00 am. A location will be reserved.
Date and location of AGM will be put on yearly maintenance due invoices.
Next meeting is Jan 12th, at 6:00pm
Art made a motion to adjourn meeting at 7:11pm and Shawn 2nd. Motion passed 5-0