August 2020
Click the below to download the board minutes.
Estates at Eagle Creek Property Owners’ Association Board Meeting
August 3, 2020
Meeting called to order at 5:35 p.m. Quorum established
231 S Palo Alto Dr., Floresville, Texas 78114
Board members present: Philip Vipond, President; Art Morgan, 1st Vice President; Charlie Johns, 2nd Vice President;
Karen Turner, Treasurer; Theresa Morehous, Secretary. Rebecca Hopp-Adelman, Welcoming Committee Chair.
Secretary’s report:
Minutes were read from June 22, 2020. Motion was made to accept as read by Art Morgan and seconded by Charlie
Johns. Motion passed 5-0
Treasurer’s report:
Beginning balance: $56,487.36 (6/22/20) Ending balance all accounts: $55,923.92
Checking account- debits: $963.44; deposits $400.00; ending balance $17,092.34 (8/3/20)
Savings account- $2,529.74; Edward Jones $36,258.63
Motion made to accept report by Theresa Morehous and seconded by Art Morgan. Motion passed 5-0
ACC: Request from following properties:
102 Sky Hawk-RV carport
House on 775 Adding to patio cover
142 Oak Hollow- new house
Welcoming Committee:
Started yard of the month. Gave out 5 kudos and delivered 3 welcome letters.
112 Palo Verde-structure has been moved.
114 Palo Verde structure and slab built on easement. Owner has started tearing structure down. Original date of
notification of violation (ODV) was March 11, 2020.
107 Chaparral-brush and dirt still on bridle trail from owners clearing property. ODV- June 2020.
3 outstanding accounts- Bazan made a $500 credit card payment to attorney. Guillen just received letter from attorney.
Bush has not made any attempt to contact attorney or board. Philip will talk to attorney about next step to take. The
fourth overdue account was brought up to date at the sale of the home.
Advertisement on the website is tabled at this time.
New Business:
Discussed moving savings to Edward Jones due to lack of interest. Motion made by Philip to move savings account to
Edward Jones provided there are no penalties or detriment to moving. Motion seconded by Charlie Johns. Motion
passed 5-0.
Next meeting- Sept 14 at 5:30. Theresa made a motion to adjourn meeting at 6:22 p.m., Charlie seconded. Motion