2018 Annual Meeting
Click the below to download the board minutes.
NOT APPROVED until Annual Meeting 2019 (posted for info only)
Meeting called to order at 10:09 a.m. Quorum established- 20 property owners, 11 proxies
Board members present: Philip Vipond, President; Ashley Chohlis 1st Vice President; Charlie Johns, 2nd Vice President; Karen Turner, Treasurer; Theresa Morehous, Secretary.
Secretary’s report: Minutes were read by Theresa Morehous from January 28th, 2017. Motion was made to accept as read by Mary Morey and seconded by Ruth Cawthon. Motion passed.
President’s Report: Philip Vipond reported about the change in leadership and a new treasurer on the board. Most activity this year occurred with the ACC. Everything else has been pretty quiet.
Treasurer’s report: Karen Turner reported that all dues and administration fees were collected for 2017. A total of 14 lots were sold during the year. Year-end income was $13,813.00 and expenses were $8,330.00, ending balance of $5,483.00. Savings balance $12, 525.77. Motion to accept the financial report by Rod Burgener, seconded by Art Morgan. Motion passed.
Karen presented the 2018 budget proposal. Motion was made to accept the 2018 budget proposal by Ashley Chohlis and seconded by Tom Turner. Motion passed.
Darrel Dundas presented his independent review of the accounting records and stated that all expenses were in agreement with the budget and account balances for 2017. He recommended that the board review services and rates offered at other banks and make any changes necessary for the improvement of EECPOA.
ACC: Charlie Johns reported that this year we had two dog complaints on Encino Dr., 2 requests for sheds and one new house request. Paperwork will be on the website soon, until then it can be requested by e-mail. Discussion on poor water quality and pressure.A bridle path committee needs to be formed with at least 8-9 members. Volunteers include Tom Turner, Chris Rivard, Rod Burgener and Bill Hinze.
We are still in need of a welcoming committee.
New Business: Two positions on the board are up for election. Karen Turner and Charlie Johns wish to continue to be on the board and no other volunteer’s came forward. Darrel Dundas made a motion to accept Charlie Johns on the board, seconded by Chris Rivard. Motion passed. Motion made by Linda Smith to accept Karen Turner on the board and seconded by Bill Hinze. Motion passed.
Yard sale will be May 5th. The association will place an ad in the Wilson County News. If you wish to participate, please let the board know.
Our website was hacked twice last year and documents were removed. It is currently being worked on. Mr. Cuellar offered for his son to look at the site and give a bid.
Tom Turner made a motion to adjourn and seconded by Ira Kasper. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 11:02 a.m.