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2017 Annual Meeting

Click the below to download the board minutes.

Paul Witek called the annual meeting to order at 10:00 AM.

In attendance were Paul Witek, president, Philip Vipond, 1st VP, Ashley Chohlis, 2nd VP, Colleen Witek, treasurer, 26 property owners, & 12 proxies. A quorum was established.

Guest speakers William Kenney and Christy Merendon, from Wilson County Emergency District #2, (an area of about 76 sq mi, and 18,000 residents), spoke about their strategic plan, including the complete renovation of the fire house on FM 775, future plans to build a sub-station on Hwy 181 at Cimarron and a new main station on 3 ac already purchased from FISD near Floresville North E.S on FM 775.

Ashley Chohlis read the minutes from the last annual meeting. A motion to accept was made by Rod Burgener, 2nd by Irene Menchaca. The motion passed.

Colleen Witek read the treasurer’s report. A motion to accept was made by Ira Kasper, 2nd Tim Kane. The motion passed.

Darrel Dundas reviewed his audit of the financial reports and stated that all official documents were in agreement with the budget and account balances for 2016. Mr. Dundas commended our treasurer (Colleen Witek) for her diligence in accounting.

Colleen Witek presented the 2017 budget. A motion to accept was made by Gilbert Martinez, 2nd by John Glass. The motion passed.

Philip Vipond reported on the ACC. There were 64 requests/violation complaints made to the ACC in 2016. Discussion was held on whether to consider adding a by law limiting the size of outbuildings that can be built on properties. Membership did not make a motion to put it to a vote and the topic was dropped.

Discussion was held regarding the housing of chickens on individual properties. A motion was made by David Rios to start the process to have membership vote on changing the CCR to allow chickens, 2nd by Tommy Morris. The motion failed.

Bridal Path cleanup – Kay Risk will organize volunteers, set the date, and notify volunteers.

Election of board members Ashley Chohlis, Philip Vipond, Theresa Morehous were nominated to serve on the board, a motion to accept was made by John Glass, 2nd by Irene Menchaca. The motion passed. Also Terry Bush, Chris Kind, & Chris Rivard, volunteered to be on the violation committee.

Paul Witek presented the fine policy for late dues. Annual Yard Sale will be held May 6, 2017.

A motion to adjourn was made by Art Morgan, 2nd by Michelle Morris. The motion passed and the meeting was adjourned at 11:45 AM.

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