November 2023
Click the below to download the board minutes.
The Estates at Eagle Creek Property Owners' Association Inc
Board Meeting: Tuesday, November 7, 2023
Life Church 7079 FM 775, La Vernia, Texas 78121
Meeting called to order at 6:12 p.m. Quorum establish.
Board Members present: Sheldon Shed, President; Shawn Wall, 1st V.P.; James Mylius, Treasurer; Theresa Morehous, Secretary
Non-board members present: 6 Property owners
Secretary’s Report:
Oct 3rd minutes were read. Sheldon Shed made a motion to accept the minutes as read, ShawnWall 2nd, motion passed 4-0.
Secretary Point of Order for Board Members and ACC Members:
Board Members
Place 1 expires Feb 2024 currently held by Theresa Morehous
Place 2 expires Feb 2025 currently vacant
Place 3 expires Feb 2025 currently held by James Mylius
Place 4 expires Feb 2025 currently held by Sheldon Shed
Place 5 expires Feb 2024 currently held by Shawn Wall
Place 1 expires Feb 2025 currently held by Charlie Johns, Chair
Place 2 expires Feb 2025 currently held by Josie Dollarhide
Place 3 expires Feb 2024 currently held by Nancy Wall
Reports of Officers, Boards and Standing Committees
Treasurer’s Report:
Balances as of Oct 31, 2023
Deposits: $3,095.40 Debits: $11,995.41
Checking balance: $7,820.70 Edward Jones: $38,616.02
Report Balance: $46,436.72
Discussion of moving the bank accounts from Wells Fargo to Randolph Brooks. Sheldon made a motiontion passed 4-0.
Discussion of moving the bank accounts from Wells Fargo to Randolph Brooks.
Sheldon made a motion to move our financial accounts from Wells Fargo to Randolph Brooks Federal Credit Union. Shawn Wall
2nd the motion. Motion passed 4-0.
Sheldon Shed made a motion to have himself, James Mylius and Theresa Morehous on these accounts. Shawn Wall 2nd, motion passed 4-0.
Website needs to be updated with current maintenance fees.
Welcoming Committee – currently working on getting things in order.
11030 FM 775 Tractor Trailer Traffic /Business Disruption Christopher L. Chapa 11030 FM 775,
Lot 233. Violation of CCR’s 3.06. Ist violation letter was not mailed out last month.
214 Palo Verde - 2.5 story unfinished structure - Josue Israel M. Rodriguez. Charlie will follow up with owner.
146 Montesito Lane, Lot 250 Anton J Balogh, Self-reported on Next Door that 1 rooster and 5 chickens had been killed by pack of dogs. 1st violation letter was mailed.
114 Oak Hollow, Lot 114 Federico & Gloria, Self-reported on Next Door that she had lost 2 chickens. Ist violation letter was mailed. Receipt for registered mail was received.
Reports of Special Committees –
775 Clean Up - Nancy Wall has had difficulty on finding the families that have the section of thehighway.
Unfinished Business
Past Due Annual Dues –All accounts have paid. Thank you to Jim for all his hard work.
114 Palo Verde Violation Update- Anthony L & Maria D Alaniz-George lawsuit continuing, tentative court date 11/28/2023. Unpaid fines to date, $200 on 09/01/2023, $300 on 10/1/2023, $400 on 11/1/2023. Total of $900 in fines have been assessed, no monies have been received by the Estates of Eagle Creek POA. Mediation date was established for 11/7/2023, James Mylius was the board member who attended and represented the board of directors for the Estates at Eagle Creek Property Owners Association. He will provide an out briefing.
Roaming pack of Dogs – Alena Berlanga from the Wilson County No Kill shelter reported their efforts caught 8 dogs total; two of the dogs were reclaimed by owners who paid fees to redeem their dogs. Both of those dogs are now microchipped as well. They have since moved the trap to the Sutherland Springs area over the weekend of 21-23 October.
New Business:
Sheldon Shed made a motion that the association reimburse James Mylius for mileage and expenses for the mediation he attended, representing the board. Seconded by Theresa Morehous, motion passed 4-0.
Closing Remarks:
As a courtesy and for smooth running meeting, please submit all new business to the President and Secretary at least 1 week prior to the meeting so it can be listed on the agenda.
Next meeting is Dec 5, 2023 at 6:00pm at Life Church of La Vernia, 7079 FM 775, La Vernia, Texas 78121.
Sheldon Shed made a motion to adjourn meeting at 6:41 pm and Shawn Wall 2nd. Motion passed 4-0