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March 2023

Click the below to download the board minutes.

The Estates at Eagle Creek Property Owners' Association Board Meeting

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Life Church of La Vernia

7079 FM 775, La Vernia, Texas 78121

Meeting called to order at 6:02pm. Quorum established.

Board Members present: Edward B. Bernal, President; Robert Gooding, VP1 (arrived at 6:10pm); Shawn Wall, 2nd V.P.; Tony George, Treasurer; Kris Hawk, Secretary

Non-board members present: Tom Turner, Karen Turner, Nancy Wall (Property Owners)

Welcome & Introductions of Board Members

Welcome & Introductions of all meeting attendees

Secretary Report

Reading and Approval of Minutes

• January 12 meeting minutes read, Minutes were not voted on due to Karen Turner saying she did not agree, but she did not say anything about what she did not agree with so no corrections were made. They will be read for approval in a future meeting. (Not Accepted)

• February 4 meeting minutes read.

     o A motion was made by Tony George to accept the minutes of the     February 4, 2023 meeting as read and seconded by Shawn Wall. A vote was taken and passed by a vote of 5 – 0.

Reports of Officers, Boards and Standing Committees

Treasurer Report

• Credits/Debits/Balances & Annual Dues update

     o proposed budget read, passed out.

Architectural Control Committee

• No Report (no ACC committee members present)

Reports of Special Committees – None

Unfinished Business

• None

New Business

• Agree & Vote on amount of time all open discussion speakers shall have the floor at all MBM and

AGM meetings. (3-5 minutes agreed to when under 10 people)

TOPIC 1: Finance

• Inquiry has been made to have a second person authorized on PayPal to have log on information and assist when needed.

• Inquiry has been made to make a vote on Chief Executive for the Wells Fargo account (discussion was that this is solely a treasurer duty for the Wells Fargo account with a second person on it in case the 1st can't do something, and should not be a made-up position for another

board member to have)

TOPIC 2: Fowl

• Request to form a committee to discuss and address the change in CC&R’s to allow fowl with restrictions

• Fowl – no roosters, peacocks, restricted. 2/3 favor by CC&R guidelines to amend can be voted on over a year. Board to do proposal on fowl and restrictions.

TOPIC 3: Horse Trail

• Maintenance

• Access off Chaparral

     o Horse trail maintenance day and it was set for April 29th, 9am-12pm. horse owners in their respective areas near the trails would do the  maintenance day. Chaparral access was discussed as Robert Gooding stated that after checking, the current land owner of that plat will not allow access, it had been revoked in the past.

TOPIC 4: Resident Property

• Upkeep/Appearance

• Non-operational Vehicles

     o Discussion was that there is no requirement to mow lawns. Fines would be imposed on junk/inoperable vehicles but a period of time to remove them has to be given, and discussion on loose dogs, but no solution other than CC&R’s have to be followed.

TOPIC 5: Entrance Lighting & Upkeep

• Solar vs LED

• Entrance Maintenance (mowing)

      o Kris Hawk said she talked to FELPS (Floresville Electric Light and Power Supply) and that they would try to get led light bulbs installed as lights go out on in the estate sign areas. Edward Bernal said that he wanted to mow the entrances for free and that the current contract was due to expire but Tony George did not know the date. it was

supposed to have been left alone pending the contract expiration date being found out.

TOPIC 6: Community BBQ

• Get to know your Board and Residents

• Date/Location

     o Edward Bernal wanted to do a community BBQ in May on Mother’s Day weekend. Robert Gooding and Kris Hawk said that many people will be out of town due to Mother’s Day. Robert Gooding inquired as to  where, and who is going to pay for meat and food. Kris Hawk said she would donate meat, Edward Bernal said he would bring meat. with further discussion.

     o Robert Gooding moved to table the motion until August/September timeframe for further discussion, and Shawn Wall seconded the motion.

OPEN DISCUSSION for all members in attendance. Time will need to be limited to keep the meeting to an allotted amount of time.

Next meeting is April 4th, at 6:00pm at Life Church of La Vernia, 7079 FM 775, La Vernia, Texas 78121

     o A motion was made by Robert Gooding to adjourn meeting at 7:03pm, Shawn Wall seconded the motion. Vote was taken and Motion to adjourn passed 5-0

Meeting Minutes were read at the June 6, 2023 meeting. Corrections and/or additions were asked for.

The minutes were approved as read with corrections and approved.

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