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March 2022

Click the below to download the board minutes.

The Estates at Eagle Creek Property Owners' Association Board Meeting 

March 31, 2022 

127 Scenic Oak Dr.


Meeting called to order at 6:00pm. Quorum established. 

Board Members present: Philip Vipond, President; Charlie Johns, 2nd V P; Jim Mylius, Treasurer; Art Morgan, 1st VP; Theresa Morehous, Sec. 

To comply with the Property Code Title 11, Restrictive Covenants Chapter 209, Texas Residential Property Owners Protection Act Sec. 209.001., Charlie Johns has resigned as an EECPOA board member. He  will continue to serve on the ACC as committee chair. The board wishes to thank Charlie for all the years  of service he has put in as a board member and the continued service on the ACC. 

Secretary's Report: The minutes from Feb 24th, 2022 presented to the board members. Art Morgan  made a motion that the minutes be accepted as presented, Jim Mylius 2nd. Motion passed 4-0.  

Treasurer's Report: 

Year to date- Deposits: $8,408.11 Expenses: $3,703.44 Checking balance: $20,210.47 Edward Jones: $39,010.45 (Feb 24, 22 BAL.)  

Felps YTD $272.65 Lawn Man YTD $600 

Legal fees YTD $2,714.50 Office Supplies $116.29  

Motion made to accept by Theresa Morehous, seconded by Art Morgan. Motion passed 4-0.  

6 delinquent certified letters sent out mid-March. 

A.C.C. Report- nothing to report. 

Old Business: 

• Scenic Oak Mother in law house is tabled. Owner is still deciding. 

• 214 Palo Verde, (DOV 3-11-2020) Fined $1,500. Owner paid $200 which will be applied to the  fine. Philip will mail letter explaining how it is applied. Owner is presently working on removing the  structure. He can leave the slab but if he chooses to move the structure onto the property, he must  submit a request for approval.  

• Delinquent back maintenance, admin fees, and attorney fees for two homeowners. 118 Oak  Hollow and 105 Scenic Oak. Philip will write statement about why the EECPOA is seeking foreclosure to  be added to the declaration of disclosure on the two properties.  

• 126 Encino, (DOV 2/21), Owner stated he is working on the property. It doesn’t appear much has  been completed. Philip will go to property and see if there is any progress. If not any progress the board  will move forward with contacting the Health Department. 

• 18 wheeler at 11030 FM 775, Philip hand delivered a letter to property owner. Several days later  he received an abusive phone call from the owner. The owner stated that he would cease and desist  the business, of which he has not done, and he would not pay the fine. Some research proved that the  property is too small for 18 wheeler driveway and the owner did not obtain a permit for the second  driveway. Art made a motion to file a formal complaint with TXDOT, Jim 2nd. Motion passed 4-0. 

• 118 Chaparral with pot belly pig and 2 large dogs chasing walkers and bikers. We do not have a  current phone number or email. A certified violation letter will be mailed to owner. 

• The property improvement pdf has been uploaded to the website and Form/123 subscription  has been cancelled. The new treasurer contact information has been added.  

• The solar lights have been placed on the two community cluster mailboxes on S Palo Alto Dr and  Chaparral. The board would like to acknowledge and extend their appreciation to Will Matay, an ACC  member, and his wife for their generous donation of the solar lights and installation. 

New Business:  

Philip made a motion to purchase quick books online accounting system, Art 2nd. Motion passed  4-0. 

Taxes return was not filed for 2020 and return for 2021 is pending. Art made a motion for the  accounting firm Armstrong, Vaughan, who in previous years completed the POA’s taxes, complete  the 2020 and 2021 tax returns for $400. Theresa 2nd, motion passed 4-0. Jim will talk with the  firm and see if they will include the annual audit for the AGM 2023 in that fee.  

A Nonprofit Periodic Report must be file with the Texas Secretary of State every 4 years. Jim  discovered it had not been completed since 2014. Philip Vipond is listed as registered agent. Jim  will file that report to bring us up to date.

The current contract law service is up for renewal. Philip will contact the current contract holder  since we have not received a new bid from him. We will also post on Facebook and Nextdoor  that we are accepting bids for lawn service. 

Additional mailbox keys were made. We have had a recent vandalism with the mailboxes on  Chaparral. The post office repaired the boxes very quickly. We are hoping the new solar light will  help deter any future problems. The cluster mailboxes are the property of the USPS, the  association does not own them or maintain them. 

Online access for Edward Jones is trying to be resolved.

Art made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:10pm., Jim seconded. Motion passed 4 -0.

Next meeting April 28th at 6:00!

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