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June 2023

Click the below to download the board minutes.

The Estates at Eagle Creek Property Owners' Association Inc

Registered Office: 127 Scenic Oak Drive

Floresville, Texas 78114

Board Meeting: Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Meeting Held at: Life Church of La Vernia

7079 FM 775, La Vernia, Texas 78121

Meeting called to order at 6:04 pm. Quorum established.

Board Members present: Edward B. Bernal, President; Robert Gooding, 1st V.P.; Shawn Wall, 2nd V.P.,

Anthony George, Treasurer; Sheldon Shed, Secretary

Non-board members present: Nillie Johns, Sonny Rios, Cindy Rios, Colleen Witek, Paul Witek, Theresa

Morehous, Josie Dollarhide, Roger Criswall, Charlie Johns, Nancy Wall. (Property Owners)

Reading and Approval of Minutes –

January 12, 2023

  •  A motion was made by Edward Bernal to accept the minutes as read. It was seconded by Robert Gooding. A vote was taken and passed by a vote of 5 – 0.

February 4, 2023 (Approved at March 7 Board Meeting – Post to site), read again

  • A motion was made by Edward Bernal to accept the minutes as read. It was seconded by Robert Gooding. A vote was taken and passed by a vote of 5 – 0.

February 4, 2023 (Cannot be approved until General meeting, but can Post to site with disclaimer)

  •  The minutes were read and the Secretary explained that they would be posted to the POA Website, with a disclaimer that they had not and will not be approved until the next General meeting.

March 7, 2023

  • A motion was made by Edward Bernal to accept the minutes with corrections. It was seconded by Anthony George. A vote was taken and passed by a vote of 5 – 0.

April 4, 2023

  • A motion was made by Robert Gooding to accept the minutes as read. It was seconded by Anthony George. A vote was taken and passed by a vote of 5 – 0.

May 2, 2023

  • A motion was made by Edward Bernal to accept the minutes with corrections. It wasseconded by Anthony George. A vote was taken and passed by a vote of 5 – 0.

Reports of Officers, Boards and Standing Committees

Treasurer Report

1. Income since 02-May-2023

  1. a. Resale Certificate: $375 X 2 = $750

2. Expenses since 02-May-2023

  1. a. QuickBooks recurring payment: $58.63

  2. b. FELPS: $72.41 X 2 = $145.22

  3. c. Clifton Designs: $149.00 (signed up for monthly in lieu of 1 time by mistake)

3. Checking Balance: $18,107.54

4. Edward Jones: $38,348.59 / AS of last report.

  1. Total: $56,456.13

5. Upcoming Expenses

  1. a. $250.00 for lawncare

  2. b. $150.00 for webpage maintenance (Tentative) – 2 hours - 1 time fee

6. Delinquent Accounts: No changes from previous report (21 instances).

  • Clifton Designs payment – recurrent or one time

  • Taxes submitted to IRS

  • Insurance Policies: Review purpose and necessity

  • Invoices for overdue lots submitted to the Secretary to assemble and mail (certified mail)

A motion was made by Sheldon Shed to accept the Treasurer’s Report. It was seconded byRobert Gooding. A vote was taken and passed by a vote of 5 – 0.

A motion was made by Sheldon Shed for the Estates at Eagle Creek Property Owners’

Association to re-imburse the costs incurred by the Secretary in mailing out Certified Mail

invoices provided by the Treasurer as long as receipt/s for the expenditure was provided. It

was seconded by Robert Gooding. A vote was taken and passed by a vote of 5 – 0.

Architectural Control Committee

  • Welcoming Committee – Nonexistent, will post on website and social media to solicit volunteers. (Plan to fill – ACC member to report out)

  • Charlie Johns reported that warnings will be going out for the following neighbor complaintsthat were found to be valid.

  1. o 114 Palo Verde – Fowl

  2. o 151 Scenic Oak – Fowl

  3. o 110 Palo Verde – Noise (Next incident could result in a $500 fine from Wilson County Sherriff)

Discussion followed with Anthony George reading literature from a Poultry Project 4-h Member Guide

from the Oregon State University Extension Service.

Robert Gooding read from the CC&R, pertaining to fowl.

Charlie Johns provided Anthony George the Estates at Eagle Creek Property Owner’s Association

attorney, Amy to satisfy any questions that he may have about the legalities.

  • Charlie then went on to report about cars that needed to be covered that were not in an operatable state. The vehicles that caused the concern were covered by the property ownersand there is no follow-up necessary.

  • Discussion of other vehicles that needed to be covered ensued by the gallery. Charlie explained that if they would like action to simply file a complaint so he could investigate and try to get remedied.

  • Charlie said he would follow-up on Chris Chapa (18 Wheelers on 775). This is a safety concernfor the community and he would continue to see what could be done.

Reports of Special Committees – None

Unfinished Business

  •  Discussion of Amendment to current Covenants, Conditions, & Restrictions, section 3.10, concerning chickens.

  •  Website and Email – The Treasurer followed up but mistakenly selected and funded thet an amendment to the CC&R presented to the board. This concludes this unfinished business.

  •  Website and Email – The Treasurer followed up but mistakenly selected and funded the $149/month recurring fee vs the $150 one-time fee for 2 hours of service.

  • Voluntary Riding Trail Maintenance – September 23, 2023 was the date selected and September 30, 2023 was the alternate date.

  • Maintenance Contract to mow entrances to The Estates at Eagle Creek expired - No competitive bids were presented at the meeting.

  1. o A motion was made by Anthony George for the Treasure to be allowed to compare 3 like written proposals for lawn service and the authority to contract the low bidder. It was seconded by Shawn Wall. A vote was taken and passed by a vote of 5 – 0.

  • Past Due Annual Dues – Treasurer provided the Secretary with (21) invoices for past dueaccounts to be mailed out as certified mail.

  • 110 Palo Verde - The Treasurer confirmed that association fees were collected.

New Business

  •  Next meeting falls on July 4, 2023, suggest a date change for better attendance.

  1. o A motion was made by Anthony George for the next The Estates at Eagle Creek Property Owners' Association Board Meeting to be moved from July 4, 2023 to July 11, 2023. Itwas seconded by Shawn Wall. A vote was taken and passed by a vote of 5 – 0.

Closing Remarks:

  • Paul Wiatrek asked the President for meeting agendas at subsequent meetings for the property owners who attend the Board Meeting.

  • Shawn Wall posed a question to the President if he was here for the board or for his own interests. Discussion followed that involved Edward Bernal, Shawn Wall, and Robert Gooding.

  1. o A motion was made by Shawn Wall to remove the President from his position. It wasseconded by Robert Gooding. Motion passed 3-2.

  •  Immediately after the resignation of the President, the Treasurer stood up and expressed his discontent with the board and declared his resignation. He left his paperwork and said he would hand over all of the property belonging to the Estates at Eagle Creek Property Associations at a later date.

  •  It was recommended that Sheldon Shed should be President, Sheldon accepted the position of President, Shawn Wall declared would assume the Secretary’s duties until a suitable replacement could fill the position vacated when Sheldon Shed accepted the role of President.

Next meeting is July 11, at 6:00pm at Life Church of La Vernia, 7079 FM 775, La Vernia, Texas 78121

Sheldon Shed made a motion to adjourn meeting at 8:07 pm and Robert Gooding seconded the motion.

Motion passed 3-0.

Meeting Minutes will be read at the July 11, 2023 meeting. Corrections and/or additions were asked for.

The minutes were approved as read or corrected and approved.

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