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Jan. 2022

Click the below to download the board minutes.

The Estates at Eagle Creek Property Owners' Association Board Meeting 

January 20, 2022
127 Scenic Oak Dr.

Meeting called to order at 6:05pm. Quorum established.

Board Members present: Philip Vipond, President; Charlie Johns, 2nd Vice President; Karen Turner, Treasurer; Art Morgan, 1st VP; Theresa Morehous, Sec.

Secretary's Report: The minutes from December 9, 2021 have been previously distributed by email to the board members. Art Morgan made a motion that the minutes be approved as presented, Karen Turner 2nd.
Motion passed 5-0.

Treasurer's Report: Deposits: $4,644.62 Debits: $267.73

Checking balance: 

$18,015.57 Edward Jones: $39,010.45 (+.40) Report balance: $57,026.02
Motion made to accept by Theresa Morehous, seconded by Charlie Johns. Motion passed 5-0
A.C.C. Report- Addition to existing house at 10334 FM 775; Slab with roof at 215 Encino Dr; New fence at 123 S Palo Alto 

Old Business:
• 218 Palo Verde, still nothing has been done. (DOV 3-11-2020) Attorney sent a letter and imposed a fine of $1,500 and got no response. Second letter did not go out as planned. Attorney will work on this. Currently do not have an update from the attorney.
• Delinquent back maintenance, admin fees, and attorney fees for two homeowners. Attorney suggested sending another letter demanding balance to owner at 118 Oak Hollow. No payment of any kind has been received as attorney first thought. Philip wants to go ahead and proceed with foreclosure, as previously been decided.
Second account of 105 Scenic Oak, foreclosure will proceed as previously decided.
• 126 Encino $500 fine was paid in December. Attorney will send a letter to owner demanding immediate action. The attorney will contact owner directly before we impose additional fines. He will advise owner that the next step would be to file suit against him if no action is taken to improve property. At last contact, the owner stated he had contacted a contractor to fix up the place. Attorney will reach out to Freddie Ortiz, the contractor. If a response has not happened by the end of the month, attorney advises the board to take the next step.(DOV 2/21)

  • 145 Chaparral. Attorney suggests another letter be sent to Ms. Wright attorney due to some recent actions.

  • Encino Dr pet pigs/piglets –Actual address is 10123 FM 775. Violation letter not sent. Philip talked to owners. (DOV 9/21)

  • 18 wheeler on 775, previous noise issue resolved. Started parking on roadway.

  • Sandy has made corrections on website. The site has been updated, additional tabs have been created under resources for newsletters, minutes, proxy forms, etc. Database with property owner’s address has been updated. Form 123 should be printed on one page when emailed to board. Currently when submitted, goes to president. We will upload a PDF of improvement form to site for owners to download and fill out and submit with drawings. This will do away with the Form123 cost. Philip will talk to Sandy.

  • FB page created by past president has been closed.

  • Fiberglass in ground pool that was sitting on the side of the road on Chaparral has been removed.

  • 118 Chaparral with pot belly pig and 2 large dogs chasing walkers and bikers. We do not have a current phone number or email. Philip will go to the home and talk to owner.

• Charlie had Larry Wiley, County Commissioner, patch some potholes in the subdivision. Since the area is being redistricted, we will be getting a new County Commissioner. Charlie will get in touch with new County Commission to get on the list to finish repairs.

New Business:

  • Budget proposal-Budget discussed. Philip made a motion to accept budget for 2022, Art seconded. Motion passed 5-0.

  • Annual General meeting- will be at Wilson County Emerg Dist. #2 building on Feb 5th, 2021 at 10 am. Two positions up for election, Charlie and Karen’s place. An email was sent to all property owners registered on the website with a proxy vote form link attached. We will post reminder on Facebook and Nextdoor as it gets closer.

Philip made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:45pm., Art seconded. Motion passed 5-0

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