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Feb. 15, 2020 Annual Meeting

Click the below to download the board minutes.

Estates at Eagle Creek Property Owners’ Association

Annual Meeting February 15, 2020

Oak Hill Community Church

Meeting called to order at 10:24 a.m. Quorum established- 15 property owners, 14 proxy’s

Board members present: Philip Vipond, President; Art Morgan, 1st Vice President; Charlie Johns, 2nd Vice President;

Karen Turner, Treasurer; Theresa Morehous, Secretary.

Secretary’s report: Minutes were read by Theresa Morehous from February 2, 2019. Motion was made to accept as

read by Sharlynne Petz and seconded by Simon Morales. Motion passed.

President’s Report: We have a continual problem with loose animals. You have a right to protect your property. In

2019, the association made $893 from the Edward Jones move. Insurance continually increases in premiums and takes

50% of the budget. If anyone has any suggestions about this, please let us know.

Treasurer’s report: There are 2 delinquent property owners that are more than 2 years old. Liens have been placed

on their properties. Many attempts of collecting dues are made before liens are made and the owners are made aware

of this. There were 14 transfer fees for 2019 totaling $2,100. Still have 57 properties with unpaid dues for 2020.

Account balances as of 1/12/2020 for checking $8,160.90; savings $2,529.48. As of 1/12/2020 Edward Jones account-

$35,898.11. Total accounts $46,518.49.

Motion made to accept report by Tom Turner and 2ND by Bob Wahl. Motion passed.

An independent review completed by Jackie Carter of the accounting records was read. All expenses were in agreement

with the budget and account balances for 2019.

ACC’S Report: 2019 request included 2 houses; several fences; and 8 garages. Our biggest problem is loose dogs.

New Business:

Two positions on the board are up for election. Charlie Johns and Karen Turner wish to continue to be on the board and

no other volunteer’s came forward. Sharlynne Petz made a motion to accept Charlie and Karen on the board, seconded

by Bob Wahl. Motion passed.

Proposed budget for 2020 was presented and discussed. Tom Adelman made a motion to accept the proposed 2020

budget and Emily Clark seconded. Motion passed.

The transfer fee was recently increased from $150.00 to $200.00 to help with revenue.

Yard sale will be May 2nd. The association will place an ad in the Wilson County News.

Rebecca Adelman volunteered to chair the welcoming committee.

Discussion about CCR’s forbidding chickens and need 75% of property owners in agreement to change.

Simon Morales made a motion to adjourn and seconded by Tom Turner. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 11:04


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