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April 2023

Click the below to download the board minutes.

The Estates at Eagle Creek Property Owners' Association Board Meeting

Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Life Church of La Vernia

7079 FM 775, La Vernia, Texas 78121

Meeting called to order at 6:01pm. Quorum established.

Board Members present: Edward B. Bernal, President; Robert Gooding, 1st V.P.; Shawn Wall, 2nd V.P.;

Non-board members present: Charlie Johns, Phillip Vipond, Barbara Vipond, Collen Wiatrek, Roger Wiatrek, Nancy Wall (Property Owners)

Reading and Approval of Minutes – None to Approve Secretary not in attendance

Reports of Officers, Boards and Standing Committees

Treasurer Report

• None to approve Treasurer not in attendance

Architectural Control Committee

• 1 request – 195 Montesito Lane – property owner Marty Collins – add on to shed 10-foot expansion onto current building. Approved by ACC President Charlie Johns.

• Complaints of dogs barking at 112 Palo Verde

• Can Colleen Wiatrek write ACC letters and violation letters - yes

• Chickens are running loose around Charlie Johns house.

• Allow chickens (2/3 favor by CC&R guidelines to amend)

Reports of Special Committees – None

Unfinished Business

• None

New Business

• Texas Open Meeting acts read

     o Motion was made by Robert Gooding to remove Kris Hawk as Secretary of The Estates at Eagle Creek Property Owners' Association. The motion was 2nd by Shawn Wall. A vote was taken, and the motion passed, the results of the vote: 3-0

     o Shawn Wall moved to table discussion on proxy votes for chickens, it was 2nd by Robert Gooding, a vote was taken and passed by a vote of 3-0. The motion Passed and was tabled, Edward to contact The Estates at Eagle Creek Property Owners' Association legal counsel.

Next meeting is May 2nd, at 6:00pm at Life Church of La Vernia, 7079 FM 775, La Vernia, Texas 78121

     o Shawn Wall made a motion to adjourn meeting at 6:27pm and Robert Gooding seconded the motion. A vote was taken and passed by a vote of 3-0

Meeting Minutes were read at the June 6, 2023 meeting. Corrections and/or additions were asked for. The minutes were approved as read.

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