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June 2020

Click the below to download the board minutes.

Estates at Eagle Creek Property Owners’ Association Board Meeting

June 22, 2020

Meeting called to order at 6:22 p.m. Quorum established

231 S Palo Alto Dr., Floresville, Texas 78114

Board members present: Philip Vipond, President; Charlie Johns, 2nd Vice President; Karen Turner, Treasurer; Theresa

Morehous, Secretary. Rebecca Hopp-Adelman, Welcoming Committee Chair.

Secretary’s report:

Minutes were read from May 18, 2020. Motion was made to accept as read by Charlie Johns and seconded by Karen

Turner. Motion passed 4-0

Treasurer’s report:

Beginning balance: $55,219.30 Ending balance all accounts: $56,501.33

Checking account- debits: $982.81; deposits $2,264.84; ending balance $17,655.78

Savings account- $2,529.70; Edward Jones $36,301.88

Motion made to accept report by Charlie Johns and seconded by Theresa Morehous. Motion passed 4-0


Report of a rooster at 130 Oak Hollow, resolved.

4 wheeler riding on the bridle path on Oak Hollow. resolved.

111 Scenic Oak request approvals for carport and slab. Materials look good.

Currently have 2 request for swimming pools.

2 properties on Chaparral that need to be looked into-One is adding a slab; the other is putting in a pool.

Welcoming Committee:

2 more responses to the survey, totaling 37. Two families want to help with the committee. 5 Kudos handed out, 14

welcoming letters delivered. Rebecca will work on summer newsletter, to be out in July. Philip made a proposal of

giving the welcoming committee up to $500.00 for expenses. Charlie Johns seconded, motion passed 4-0.


112 Palo Verde-owner has not moved the structure. If the structure is not moved by June 30th, then the board will

impose double the fine to $200, as agreed upon last month. Original date of notification was the beginning of April.

114 Palo Verde structure and slab built on easement. Property owner paid $1,000 fine but has not removed the building.

Philip will contact owner to see what his plans, we will give him until the end of June. Originally the board agreed to give

owner additional 30 days, (60 days to 90 days), to pay fine and move structure on property. Original date of notification

of violation was March 11, 2020 with 60 days to comply, May 11, 2020. The due date will be moved from May 11, 2020

to June 11, 2020.

Currently 4 outstanding overdue accounts, 2 are from 2 years ago and have been handed over to the attorney. The last

2 will be handed over to the attorney.

Advertisement on the website was discussed and Philip will look into it more.

New Business:

107 Chaparral has been doing some clearing of their property and has pushed the brush into the bridle trail. ACC will

look into this.

Next meeting- July 20 at 6:00. Philip made a motion to adjourn meeting at 7:08 p.m., Charlie seconded. Motion passed.

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